Akashic Nomad

Akashic Nomad

My Journey to Inner Truth.

Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by the mysterious world of metaphysics and spirituality. I have always been on a quest to find answers to life’s big questions, and I have explored ancient wisdom from various cultures, like Buddhism, Hinduism, Mayan culture, Northern Paganism, Native American traditions, and Western esotericism. These ancient teachings have helped me shape in some way how I saw the metaphysical universe.

Balancing Spirituality and Science.

I have always kept an open mind and tried to approach things both spiritually and scientifically. I believe that seeking knowledge is a never-ending adventure, and I’m always eager to question the very nature of reality. My blend of spiritual and scientific thinking has kept me on a path of constant exploration.

Personal Growth and Healing Inner Wounds.

My journey led me to specialize in the world of inner work and shadow work guided by teachings of C. G. Jung, self-observation inspired by works of G. I. Gurdjieff and the wisdom of Enneagram, self actualization and self awareness inspired by A. Maslow. With a focus on emotional intelligence and helping people reach their full potential, I have become a guide for those looking to navigate the complexities of their inner lives. And I stay deeply committed to personal growth and transformation.
I’m passionate about helping others find their own inner truth and heal. I know that healing is crucial for finding clarity and purpose in life. Drawing from my own experiences and knowledge, I offer support to those who want to reconnect with their true selves.

Exploring the Unknown: Unveiling Hidden Realities

Outside our everyday reality, I’m also on a mission to understand the vast, unexplored dimensions that exist beyond our ordinary senses. I believe that we have a capacity to uncover hidden truths about the universe that go beyond our usual understanding. This includes my Out-of-Body experiences since childhood, practice of Astral Projection, Akashic Records reading, Lucid Dreaming and exploration of the world of psychedelics.
My life’s story is a testament to a lifelong quest for wisdom, personal growth, and the exploration of consciousness. Through my work, I hope to assist others in their search for inner truth, helping them heal their inner wounds, embrace their authentic selves, and discover the profound mysteries that exist beyond our everyday lives. In a world hungry for spiritual enlightenment, I aim to be of assistance to anyone who trusts the process on a path to inner awakening.